External Video Capture Card What's The Best Video Capture Card Out Right Now?

What's the best video capture card out right now? - external video capture card

I have some old private video footage from VHS to DVD. I bought the camera capture external video for Wal-Mart last year, but the thing was a piece of shit. I have a new high-end devices, so that the draft of the specifications are no problem. I am also willing to pay up to $ 300 for good. What do I need? What type of channels, so I am with purchasing? What are the compatibility issues with TV / VCR?


҉Fuzzy҉ - ҉No-Nosed҉ - ҉Chimp҉ said...

I did not use a very expensive Pinnical DV500 card in my computer. I bought a DVD burner to the stairs home entertainment system. Well, if you want to capture a VHS-DVD copies, only to tear it to edit with your computer.

You have a drive that can record the TV / TiVo, so you get more.

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