I Have A Cold And Rash On My Leg How Can A Person With 102 Fever Have Normal White Blood Cells? What Condition Could Do This?

How can a person with 102 fever have normal white blood cells? What condition could do this? - i have a cold and rash on my leg

Joint and muscle pain, memory affected hot / skin rash, cold on the elbows, legs, ankles, no itching or pain. All tests are normal. Fatigue. Heavy chest, difficulty breathing.


Lucy L said...

One thing that can distinguish a virus from a bacterial infection, is the WBC. A bacterial infection of significance is likely to show an increase in white blood cells. The body produces white blood cells that fight bacteria.

Most viruses that challenge the immune system, don t get the same response from white blood cells, such as bacteria.

So, can have a virus (cold, flu, etc.) with high fever and Nice have a high number of white blood cells. They feel very bad without the higher white blood cells, you can do with this book.

Patrick said...

A cold lmao /

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