My Cast How Do I Cast A Basic Circle To Call Upon The Elements For Guidance?

How do I cast a basic circle to call upon the elements for guidance? - my cast

I am new to the quality circle. I am looking for an overview of how to provide a basic circle of the five elements air, fire, water, earth and spirit. I do not know exactly how to invest and what to say, as I do. I am in my own house. I try to clean my house of bad energy, so the plan was also an incense. Since I have never done before the entry will be beneficial.


Anonymous said...

Here is an example of how to throw a pie ...

Moreover, it is necessary to invoke the element of mind, because you wear the same spirit in you.

Bodhi is also true, a very good cleaning is the best way to get this negative energy gathered in the corners and reach under furniture. To find help for all the dust bunnies.

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