Picture Of Cervix Before Period Maybe A Dumb Question (tmi Alert)?

Maybe a dumb question (tmi alert)? - picture of cervix before period

I wonder if I can push too hard shit, if they cause damage? It's like my neck, could damage or something. I am thinking of asking ridiculous. It's just that I did not push hard in general, but when I when I was about to force a little longer than usual, and I could not imagine opening my cervix and some happened. I do my pelvic floor exercises (Kegel exercises, I always), even before pregnancy. I wonder whether something could happen. Be honest.

Please do not be angry, I feel so stupid as the question

I 22w


Tiffany_... said...

Pushing hard to make your hemmroids. Havign terrible pain, I tried to poo. . I feel like razor blades through my guts and attack sometimes just poo. . . So I bought a yogurt bar and a fiber-fiber. Eat fruit, grains, fibers, and tips and everything you to determine. The yogurt really helps, but I think better than a fiber tasts Activia.

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